Il Consolato » Notizie » Sammarinese Entrepreneurs in the World

Sammarinese Entrepreneurs in the World

Consul Prof Maurizio Bragagni Esq OBE fully supports the project “Sammarinese Entrepreneurs in the World,” which is a new and ambitious initiative launched by the National Union of Artisans and SMEs of San Marino. This project is designed to integrate and support San Marino businesses on a global level, involving not only entrepreneurs resident in the Republic of San Marino, but also those located abroad, with particular attention to San Marino citizens and descendants.

The project offers a unique opportunity to strengthen the cultural and economic ties between San Marino and its global citizens. The mission of this project is twofold: on the one hand, it aims to keep San Marino traditions and culture alive abroad, creating a network of support and cultural exchange. On the other hand, it aims to develop commercial relationships and operational synergies between local and international San Marino companies, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, resources and skills.

The project involves the creation of a digital platform that will allow San Marino entrepreneurs to connect, share experiences and collaborate on common projects. Various events will be organised, such as workshops, seminars and meetings, to stimulate meetings and collaboration between entrepreneurs, favouring substance over form. Furthermore, mentoring programs will be launched, where San Marino entrepreneurs residing abroad will be able to offer support and advice to those who wish to expand their businesses in their countries, and vice versa. Participating in this project is free.

The Consulate calls upon Sammarinese residents in the UK to join this project. On their website, you can download a brochure in Italian, English, French and Spanish, as well as the forms necessary to join the project.

Your participation will be beneficial in terms of the opportunities offered by the project, and your collaboration will be crucial to its success.
