Il Console Bragagni ha incontrato Papa Francesco
Consul Bragagni had the privilege of recently meeting Pope Francis in the company of his beloved family members. After the meeting, he said “Meeting the Pope alongside my family was an incredibly personal and spiritual experience. It was also a reflection of the deep connections within a family business, which…
Auguri di pronta guarigione al Console Bragagni
Consul Bragagni was discharged from the hospital on January 5th 2024 and is fully recovering at his home. During his absence, the Consulate has continued to carry out its duties normally. Consul Brgagani had been suffering from medical issues related to his digestive system for some time and had decided…
Congratulazioni ai nuovi Cavalieri dell'Ordine di Sant'Agata
It gives such great satisfaction to announce on the 15th of November 2023 Consul Prof Maurizio Bragagni Esq OBE presided over the Award Ceremony of the Order of St Agatha. The ceremony was held at the prestigious In&Out Naval Military Club and in attendance were the Dean of the Diplomatic…
Il Console Bragagni ha tenuto un incontro bilaterale presso la sede della BERS
On November 8, 2023, Consul Bragagni, serving as the Alternate Governor of San Marino to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), engaged in a bilateral meeting at the EBRD headquarters with Constituency Director Dimitris Metaxas-Trikardos and Alternate Director Carlos Domingues. During this meeting, Director Metaxas-Trikardos extended his congratulations…
Il Console Bragagni ha vinto il riconoscimento Dirigente dell’Anno ai Premi Impatto Realizzato In Gran Bretagna
We are delighted to announce that Consul Bragagni’s leadership skills were recognised among the network of British entrepreneurs, and he won Leader of the Year at the Made in Britain Impact Awards 2023. Made in Britain Impact Awards are an exclusive set of manufacturing awards open exclusively to all Made…
Il Console Bragagni riceve il Premio Re Hussein per il Business Globale & la Pace Interculturale
Consul Prof Maurizio Bragagni Esq OBE received the King Husein Global Business & Intercultural Peace Award, which celebrates individuals dedicated to promoting inclusivity, diversity, and peace in the global business community. This prestigious award was presented to him at the “Dare to Overcome” conference, held at the Taj Mahal Hotel…
Lord Spencer visita San Marino e onora un’eredità di famiglia
On 30 September 2023, San Marino welcomed a distinguished guest. Baron Spencer of Alresford (Lord Spencer), a British politician, businessman and philanthropist, accompanied by his sister, driven by a desire to pay tribute to his father’s legacy and strengthen the ties between the Spencer family and San Marino, visited for…
Lord Rami Ranger CBE visita San Marino
Lord Rami Ranger CBE, a prominent British businessman and politician, visited San Marino from September 25th to 28th, 2023. Lady Ranger, Mr John Atwal OBE & Mrs Jito Atwal and Mr Pawan Kansal &Mrs Sandhya Kansal accompanied him. The visit was graciously hosted by Consul Prof Maurizio Bragagni Esq OBE,…
Il Consolato offre il patrocinio completo alla Sesta Cena di Gala Annuale di Esharelife
Come da tradizione, il Consolato è lieto di annunciare di aver dato il suo pieno patrocinio alla sesta cena di gala annuale di Esharelife. Siamo entusiasti di invitarvi a partecipare all'evento, che si preannuncia come una serata memorabile piena di eleganza, compassione, e celebrazione. Si...
Il Console Bragagni in visita di lavoro a Jersey
L'11 e 12 luglio 2023, una delegazione di San Marino, guidata dal Console Professor Maurizio Bragagni Esq OBE, ha visitato Jersey su invito del governo. Questa visita è un passo fondamentale per rafforzare le relazioni tra i due Paesi, incrementare le opportunità economiche e creare un'immagine favorevole al business per entrambe le piccole nazioni...