Il Consolato » Notizie


The Consulate Recognises Industry Leaders in North East England  for their Sustainable Development Achievements

In an era where environmental sustainability is paramount, corporations play a crucial role in driving global progress. Companies like Shepherd Offshore Limited and TechnipFMC Umbilicals Ltd, both headquartered in Newcastle upon Tynes, North East of England, exemplify how industry leaders can champion sustainable development through innovation, environmental stewardship, and social…

UCL United Nations Association was Navigating Sammarinese Diplomacy in a Conversation with Consul Maurizio Bragagni

As part of our outreach programme, on February 25th 2025, the Consulate of San Marino in London welcomed UCL (University College London) students, who were members of the UCL United Nations Association. In an illuminating discussion with students, Consul Maurizio Bragagni via a PowerPoint presentation, provided invaluable insights into San…
