Cav. Prof. Nadey Hakim, Vice President of the British Red Cross, world-renown transplant surgeon and author, visited San Marino on 10-13 October 2021. During this visit, he received the honour of the Knight of the most prestigious Equestrian Order of Saint Agatha.
The Republic of San Marino recognised Cav. Hakim’s valuable support to the Republic through his active involvement in charitable work and help through raising awareness and private donations. During the Covid-19 emergency, Cav. Hakim, also an Ambassador of the Esharelife Foundation, provided outstanding cooperation to the Honorary Consulate of San Marino, by mobilizing help through the British Red Cross and by contacting several UK officials and other people with influence that could help San Marino to pass through these difficult times.

During his visit, Cav. Hakim was received by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, HE Dr Luca Beccari, who conferred to him the Order of Saint Agatha and had a warm conversation on the UK- San Marino health systems and how they can cope with pandemics.
Cav. Hakim was warmly received in an audience by the Captains Regent, Their Excellencies Francesco Mussoni and Giacomo Simoncini.
At the end of the visit, Cav. Hakim promised to come and visit again San Marino and pledged to continue his excellent work through the British Red Cross and charitable work to help San Marino in the future.