Home » Consul Bragagni visits San Marino for the first time after COVID-19 outbreak

Consul Bragagni visits San Marino for the first time after COVID-19 outbreak

On Monday morning, the 25th of May 2020, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of San Marino to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland visited San Marino for the first time in several months, due to the lockdown restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

During his visit, Dr Bragagni had the opportunity to meet a few members of the San Marino government, with whom he discussed the latest news concerning San Marino and the work that the Consulate is doing in the UK to help the Republic which was heavily hit by the pandemic. The Consul reiterated his availability and willingness to help San Marino in any way possible and confirmed that he and his team are constantly working for the Republic.

Dr Bragagni spoke with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Luca Beccari, the Ministry of Industry Fabio Righi, the Ministry of Labour Teodoro Lonfernini and the President of the Council Permanent Commission on Foreign Affairs Paolo Rondelli. The Consul is glad to have had the opportunity to meet these government representatives and will work to try to find a way to bring San Marino out of the emergency.

San Marino has just passed the peak of coronavirus cases thanks to the measures that the government guided by the two Captains Regent implemented. As Consul Bragagni announced, “now the situation is absolutely under control”. San Marino is waiting for the reopening of Italy and Europe to let its citizens travel and is ready to welcome tourists who want to visit one of the most beautiful places in the Italian Peninsula and the oldest Republic in the world.

San Marino and the Honorary Consulate are committed to keep the citizens safe to overcome this unfortunate moment. This will be possible through hard work and cooperation, and Dr Bragagni, together with the government of San Marino, are doing everything they can.
