I would like to cordially thank you all for visiting this website of the Consulate of the Republic of San Marino to the United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

It is our ultimate intention that these pages can represent a source of credible and useful information for all private individuals, public institutions and economic operators interested in the Republic of San Marino, in order to promote the mutual development of social, cultural and economic relations between the Republic of San Marino and the United Kingdom.
San Marino, officially “Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino”, often abbreviated to the Republic of San Marino, is a landlocked state in southern Europe located in the north-central Italian peninsula, on the border between the Italian regions of Emilia-Romagna ( province of Rimini) and Marche (province of Pesaro and Urbino).
It has a territorial extension of 61.19 km², populated by 33 422 inhabitants. It is one of the least populous of the member states of the Council of Europe and the United Nations. The capital is the city of San Marino, the official language is Italian and the inhabitants are called Sannmarinese.
Since 2008, the historic centre of the city of San Marino and Mount Titano have been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site as “evidence of the continuity of a free republic since the thirteenth century”.
The Consulate of the Republic of San Marino, in the person of the Consul, and its Secretariat, would be pleased to provide any further information that you might request.
For information and appointments cons.londra@gov.sm